Democratic School - Qiryat Gat area (closed)
"Beneath the school uniform are one hundred different hearts beating, and each one - a different challenge, a different task, different worries and concerns. There are no children, there are people, with a rainbow of understandings, with different life experience, desires and emotional diversity, remember! We do not know them."
Janusz Korczak
What is Democratic Education?

More than 25 democratic schools are operating in Israel, each works in a unique and a bit different way - they all share a common worldview and set of values and basic assumptions. A democratic school is typically based on three fundamental values: respect for human dignity, rights and obligations, assistance to students in identifying and fulfilling their goals, pluralistic learning and fostering of diversity.
People of all ages participate in the Parliament, committees and vote on laws. Each member of the community, students, parents and staff, have equal voting rights at meetings of the Parliament which decides on School's policies. Everyone has one vote, as well as the right to suggest new laws, express an opinion or vote. Attending the Parliament is not mandatory, however, its decision bind everyone. The Disciplinary Committee is a forum for resolving disputes between parties with the participation of students and staff on rotation basis. As in any democratic community, members create laws relating to the ongoing management of the community, determine the boundaries of acceptable behavior and resolve disputes between its members. The students share the responsibility for their environment and quality of life at School. Education at a democratic school is education for life in a democratic society in practice. (From the website of the Institute for Democratic Education) . For more information see frequently asked questions.
Map of democratic schools in Israel (Institute for Democratic Education). Qiryat Gat is marked by the green square.