Democratic School - Qiryat Gat area (closed)
The democratic School of Qiryat Gat will operate in similar fashion as the democratic School "Kedem" in Arad. A place where life's most important skills are learnt and cultivated:
Self-Confidence, concentration , problem solving , decision making, academic studies, personal responsibility and respect for others.
The children acquire tools to become happier by practicing different techniques in a variety of areas for personal empowerment. The school offers its students a supportive environment to experience the challenges, taking responsibility for their choices and the freedom to create and produce.
The students are offered classes and activities on their own initiative or at the initiative of the educational team. After the morning gathering the students are free to focus on their interests for as long as they wish . All activities are valued equally. A school that fosters learning through curiosity and interest rather than out of necessity. Around noon time the various committies hold their meetings.
The learning takes place in various learning quarters that are open all day: art, music, library, petting zoo, ecological garden, academic study classroom, courtyard, carpentry - in accordance with the interests and initiatives of the children. All activities are carried out in a multi-age format. The democratic system takes into account the differences between children's abilities, pace of learning, thinking and learning style, interests and motivation . The School is inspired by the open and democratic educational systems and the Reggio Emilia approach.
Multi-Age Democratic

School in which every person is valued and accepted as they are. A non-judgmental, non-stigmatizing place that enables and empowers. Where pupils aged three to high school are free to do what they do naturally - learn. Students choose their own daily program - to build something, read, play, explore something, talk with friends or a staff member, engage in academic learning or anything else. A ten year old student can spend as much time as he wishes with a child aged seven ,twelve, or with an adult. In the School there is no separation of classes except the preschool groups.

Important to Know:
1. More than 25 democratic schools operate today throughout Israel.
2. The school will operate with support from the local authorities and be recognized by the Ministry of Education.
3. A kindergarten and multi-age school will operate side by side.
4. In democratic schools, laws are passed in the parliament and enforced by the discipline committee.
5. Learning in a democratic school is carried out in various ways and is adapted to each student.
6. The school will operate at a ratio of one teacher to 12 students at most.
7. The School will facilitate methods of mediation and problem solving through dialogue.
8. Democratic schools excel in non-violence.
9. The school will promote collaboration and cross-fertilization with existing education systems in the area.
10. The School will be involved and engaged in giving to the environment and the community.
Fundamental Principles (From "Kedem" School website in Arad)
We, the Democratic School in Arad community, are hereby setting up an educational framework that will operate in the spirit of the Bill of Rights and subject to the laws of the State of Israel. The Democratic School allows for an independent life of freedom and mutual respect , while maintaining the basic rights of each and every partner in the school: children, parents and staff.
The fundamental rights include the right to freedom, dignity, justice , privacy, diversity, the freedom of expression, freedom of belief, of information, of creation and of occupation.
The school emphasizes the right to protection from all types of physical and psychological violence , in accordance with Article 19 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. The school will be run in a democratic manner while maintaining equality and the existence of the separation of powers, including the legislative, executive, judiciary and control authority.
The School will encourage learning out of freedom and curiosity, self-criticism and self-examination. The School will offer areas of interest and learning in accordance with the wishes of the students and staff, without coercion of any kind.
The School will operate according to individual and group initiatives of each member of the school community: students, parents and staff, while maintaining equal respect to each area, as it is consistent with human rights and the democratic way of life, out of the belief that any activity or occurrence invites learning. All subject to economic and legal constraints.
The School strives to be engaged with the community and the environment.
All School activities will be subject to these fundamental principles.